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My Approach

Therapy can be different things to different people. It can offer a safe and sacred space for healing, it can offer an opportunity to find your voice, and it can be a milestone in your journey to living the life that you want to live. 

I specialize in treating clients who struggle with eating disorders, trauma, and/or sexual addiction. I am also comfortable treating clients who struggle with mood disorders, suicidality, and self-harm. I would love to connect to better understand your specific needs and what you are hoping to get out of therapy. 

My practice specializes in treating individuals and their families. 


The assistance of a therapist is fundamental to healing from trauma.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders can take a mental and physical toll on a person. It is not just about "food" and your "body". 

Sexual Addiction

Healing from sexual addiction is about more than just stopping the unhelpful sexual behaviors. 

Don't wait to get the help you need.


EMDR therapy is a psychotherapy approach for the treatment of trauma.

Safe and Sound Protocol

This is where more info on your specialty services will go.

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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